12 Spring Cleaning Tips to Freshen Your Home

by | Mar 30, 2021

There’s nothing quite like the arrival of spring to get people excited about the weather. But, are you excited about the spring cleaning that comes with it? Probably not, but that’s okay!

We know you might need a little help knowing where and how to begin. This checklist will give you a jump start on your spring cleaning … by the time you’re done, you’ll have freshened up almost every room of your home!

Spring Cleaning Chores For the KitchenCleaning Tip

The kitchen is one of the most highly trafficked rooms in the house and it shows! Here are some tasks you can do to make it clean and spiffy.

✔️Hoe out the kitchen pantry. Do you have too much of one item? Are there expired items on the shelves? Toss them, or donate to a local food pantry if they’re still good but simply not needed.

✔️Clean the fridge inside and out. Get rid of old food and wash the shelves and drawers. In addition, don’t forget to clean the coils as well as the floor underneath the fridge and the wall behind it.

✔️Give your appliances a deep clean. This is a great time to run the self-cleaning cycle on your oven, scrub the stovetop, and wash out the microwave.

✔️Wash the cabinets. Kitchen cabinets easily pick up dirt and grime, including cooking grease. Thoroughly wash the cabinet doors and drawers to get back to fresh.

Bathroom Basics

Some studies show the average person spends 30 minutes or more in the bathroom per day. Why not make it look and feel clean so you can actually enjoy it?


✔️Wash bath mats and shower rugs. You might vacuum these regularly but they should also be washed periodically.

✔️Replace shower curtains. These may look pretty and add character to your bathroom, but they’re also breeding grounds for mold. Get a fresh look and protect your health with a new shower curtain this spring.

Spring Cleaning in the BedroomCleaning Tip

There’s nothing quite like a clean and neat bedroom to inspire a great night’s sleep. Here are a few chores that you might only do a few times a year …

✔️Wash all of your bedding. This includes pillows, comforters, and blankets that you might not normally clean when you regularly wash your sheets.

✔️Clean out the closet. Decluttering your entire home is a good idea, but the perfect place to start is in your closet. Get rid of anything that hasn’t been worn recently that you don’t anticipate using in the near future.

✔️Rotate and flip your mattress. Your mattress will wear more evenly if you do this several times a year.

Give Your Living Room a Facelift

Whether you’re hanging out here as a family, or entertaining friends, this room of the house also gets a lot of traffic.

✔️Wash throw pillows and blankets. These often get forgotten about but they can pick up a lot of dust over time.

✔️Vacuum under and behind furniture. Move larger items, like couches and recliners, and clean underneath them. It’s amazing how many dust bunnies like to hide there!

✔️Shampoo carpets. This is a great time to get out some of the dirt and grime that’s made its way deeper into the carpet, past where the vacuum will reach.

We Make Spring Cleaning Easy

The list above is by no means everything you could or should do when you tackle spring cleaning, but it’s a good start. And, if the list seems overwhelming or a lot of work, we have the perfect solution.


The easiest method of spring cleaning is hiring a professional cleaning company like Cinderella Cleaners to do it all for you. We clean so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your home. Simply contact us today for a free quote!

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