How to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays

by | Nov 19, 2021

The holiday season is upon us yet again. Is your home ready for the holidays and all the hustle and bustle that comes with them? If not, don’t stress! Follow this handy checklist and your home will be holiday-ready in no time.


Your Holiday Home Cleaning Checklist

Whether you’re crunched for time, or simply want to be fully prepared, here are 5 things you can do to get your home ready for the holidays. Then, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the season!


1.  Make a list.

Start by making a list of everything you need to do, whether it’s cleaning related or not. That way, you can easily move from one item to the next without having to constantly think about what you might have forgotten. The list will help you stay focused and checking off completed items will make you feel more accomplished!


2. Declutter your home.

Whether you’re wrapping Christmas gifts, unpacking holiday decorations, or welcoming overnight guests, it’s easy for your home to become a cluttered mess during the holidays. But, if you declutter your space in advance, you’ll have less mess to deal with.


3. Get organized.

Once the clutter is gone, it’s time to organize your space if you haven’t already done so. When everything has a home, it’s much easier to clean your house and keep it neat and tidy.


4. Clean out the fridge.

There’s no question about it … the holidays are centered around food just as much as they are around family and friends. This is the perfect time to look through your fridge for any old or expired items. Toss them out and then do a deep cleaning. You’ll have plenty of room for holiday goodies and also have a refrigerator that’s free of funky smells that could offend your guests.


5. Clean your house.

Even if you don’t have time to do a top to bottom cleaning, it’s good to at least do a quick clean before your guests arrive. Focus on these areas to have your home ready in a flash:

  • Clean the entryway or foyer – give your guests a great first impression!
  • Vacuum and dust to pick up noticeable dirt.
  • Clear your table and clean the countertops.
  • Wash the dishes or put them in the dishwasher.
  • Clean the bathroom sink and toilet.


Need Help Getting Your Home Ready for the Holidays?

We know that it’s not always easy to get your home ready for the holidays. Between school activities, work commitments, and holiday parties, you already have enough to keep you busy. That’s why we recommend hiring a professional cleaning company to help you out!


At Cinderella Cleaners, we’ve been providing expert cleaning services for Tucson area homes and businesses for over a decade. From laundry and light cleaning services to our deluxe deep cleaning, we have a cleaning option for every budget. Whether it’s for yourself or someone else, why not enjoy the gift of clean this holiday season?


Contact us today for a free quote and see how we can help make your holidays stress-free!


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