5 Healthy Reasons for a Clean Home

by | Feb 13, 2021

What if we told you that having a clean home could actually contribute to your health and maybe even help you fulfil some of your New Year’s resolutions? You might think we’re crazy, but it’s actually not so far fetched. Here’s why …

Reduce stress with a clean home

According to the American Psychological Association, many adults saw a significant increase in their stress levels in 2020, thanks in part to COVID-19. From healthcare concerns to financial strain and political issues, there were certainly plenty of stressors to go around.

Having a clean home certainly won’t fix all of those things, but it can make a difference in your personal space. Some research has shown that when your surroundings are neat and tidy, your stress levels go down. So, what are you waiting for? It’s a great time to declutter your home so you have the space to sit back and relax.

Burn a few extra calories

While you may prefer to leave your weekly or monthly cleaning to a professional cleaning company, daily decluttering and household tasks can help increase your activity. If your New Year’s resolutions included moving more, your mission to have a clean home could help you achieve two goals at once! Use that as your motivation to pick up dirty laundry, wash the sink full of dishes, or clean out a cluttered closet.

Make healthy food choices

Did you know that spending time in a clean and ordered space can actually contribute to your ability to choose healthy snacks? If you don’t believe it, check out the research for yourself. Or, take our word for it and add this to the list of reasons for a clean home.

Get more done!

One of the beauties of an ordered and clean home is that everything has a place. That makes it much easier to keep it neat and tidy, freeing up your time to do work (or play) that truly matters to you. Just think of how productive you can be (especially if you’re still working from home) when a mess isn’t there to distract you!

A clean home keeps the doctor away

Well, maybe not entirely, but you’ll certainly have fewer germs hanging around when your home is clean. And, we’re not just talking about vacuuming and dusting. For the best health benefits of a clean home, you should also include regular sanitizing and disinfecting of high traffic areas and surfaces.

Ready for a sparkling clean home?

If you love the sound of all the benefits above, but you’re not quite ready for the work it takes to make it happen, don’t worry. Our expert cleaning staff is here to help. We can even take care of your laundry while we clean, although you’ll have to come up with some other activities to burn those extra calories!

If you’re ready to take control of your health and make a clean home a priority, simply contact us today. We’ll provide you with a FREE quote and you’ll be well on your way to getting the best cleaning services in or around Tucson!

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