9 Tips For A Quick Clean Before Guests Arrive

by | Oct 6, 2021

Whether it’s during the holiday season or some other time of the year, do you get a little frantic when you hear that guests are coming soon? Maybe you’ve been so busy with work, school, kids, and LIFE that the house cleaning has gotten away from you a bit.

No worries … We have you covered! Ultimately, you’d just call US and let our professional cleaners do the job while you sit back and relax or head to the store for some last-minute items. But, if guests are arriving too soon to make that happen, here’s how you can do a quick clean to get things in order.

Your Checklist for a Quick Clean

If you’re short on time, focus on the following 9 areas first. Most of the time, you can easily do a quick clean in less than an hour!

  1. Clean your entryway or foyer. Put away shoes, coats, sweaters, and any other clutter making this space look messy. Then, do a quick sweep or vacuum. If your entryway is clean, your guests will have a great first impression of your home!
  2. Declutter your main living spaces. Do a quick check of the most highly trafficked areas to make sure everything is in its place. Of course, this task will be much easier if you’ve already followed our decluttering tips!
  3. Pick up noticeable dirt. You’ve already cleaned the entryway, but check other areas for dirt and dust, too.
  4. Clear your table and clean the countertops. Kitchen countertops should be cleaned every day anyway, but do a quick clean now to ensure that both they and the table are clean and ready for company.
  5. Wash the dishes. Or, if you have a dishwasher, make sure it’s been loaded. There’s not much less welcoming than a sink piled high with dirty dishes!
  6. Freshen up the kitchen towels. Dirty hand and dish towels can harbor plenty of germs, and they can stink, too!
  7. Clean the bathroom sink. You might get by with a bit of built-up soap scum or someone’s razor shavings left behind, but your guests certainly won’t want to see that!
  8. Clean the toilets. A fresh, clean toilet shows you care about your home AND your guests. And, it doesn’t take long to do!
  9. Put out clean bathroom towels. It’s always good to greet guests with fresh hand towels – no one likes to use wet, germ-filled ones! And, if they’re staying overnight, put out some fresh bath towels for them, too.


Going Beyond the Cleaning Basics

If you’ve finished your quick clean and still have time left before your guests arrive, here are a few other things you can do to make your home fresher and more welcoming:

  • Dust anything you haven’t already touched up during your quick clean.
  • Clean fingerprints and other debris off the outsides of your appliances or inside the microwave.
  • Light a candle or use a diffuser to give your home a delightful aroma.
  • Adjust the thermostat so the temperature will be just right for your guests.

Once you’re finished, take a moment to appreciate your hard work and mentally prepare for your company. Then, decide whether this is something you want to do on a regular basis or if you’d like help from a professional cleaning company!

At Cinderella Cleaners, we’ve been helping homeowners throughout the Tucson area get and maintain a sparkling clean home for over a decade. From general cleaning to deluxe cleaning and more, we offer a variety of cleaning services to meet your household’s needs. Simply contact us today for a free quote!

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