Consistency and Cleaning Services Lead to Sparkling Results!

by | Jan 12, 2021

Roy T. Bennett once said, “Consistency is the true foundation of trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them.” What do consistency and cleaning services have to do with each other? Everything!

From how well a professional cleaning company actually cleans to what they do to keep their clients happy, a company that practices consistency is a cleaning company you can trust. Let’s take a closer look at what we mean by that statement.


5 ways consistency and cleaning services go hand in hand

These days, anyone with some cleaning products and a vehicle can claim to be a professional cleaner. But that doesn’t mean that they actually are or that you should trust them. Consistency and cleaning services go together and here’s why:

  • Schedule – Does your cleaning company follow a consistent cleaning schedule and arrive on time and when promised? If not, you may want to look for someone else! Professional cleaners understand the importance of cleaning services provided at regular intervals to meet your company’s or household’s needs.


  • Staffing – Who cleans your home or office each week? Is it the same person/people or someone new all the time? Cleaning consistency includes not only the same schedule but the same staff. Sure, there are bound to be new employees from time to time, and that’s okay. But, generally keeping a consistent staff means the great results you notice one week won’t be just a fluke – you’ll get the same great service every time your cleaning company arrives.


  • Procedures – A professional cleaning company that is quick and efficient practices consistency in everyday cleaning procedures. When employees follow the same proven systems and techniques, less time is wasted and great results are guaranteed. This can also translate to more affordable rates for you, the consumer.


  • Training – Along with following the same procedures, it’s important that cleaning experts within the same company receive the same training. Even if there is a consistent staff, there WILL be times when employees require time off for vacation, sickness, or other personal reasons. When a cleaning company has practiced consistency in training, you can be assured that you’ll get the same quality service, even with a different crew.


  • Long term customers – Almost anyone can clean a home or office and do a great job one But, it takes knowledge, skill, and consistency over time to get and keep long term clients who are 100% satisfied. The best cleaning companies will prove that you can get high quality cleaning services week after week, month after month, year after year.


Consistency pays off!

As you can see, consistency and cleaning services really do go together. That’s why Cinderella Cleaners has been THE trusted cleaning service in the Tucson area for over a decade and counting. Are YOU ready to experience professional, high quality, and detailed cleaning from a company you can trust? Contact us today to get started!



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