Move-In and Move-Out Cleaning Made Easy

by | Jan 5, 2021

Moving is often listed as one of the top 3 most stressful events in a person’s life, sitting alongside death of a loved one and divorce. While it’s not likely to lose its top ranking anytime soon, it IS possible to make moving less stressful by taking control of the things you can and managing the process.

Anxiety or stress from move-in and move-out cleaning is one aspect of moving that is easily avoidable. How can you eliminate this one stressor for good? The answer is simple … hire a professional cleaning company!


When are move-in and move-out cleaning services necessary?

If you rent an apartment, lease terms often dictate that you must fully clean the space upon your departure, especially if you want to recover your security deposit. And, if you own your own home but want to put it on the market, a serious cleaning (aka move-out cleaning) can help make a great first impression for potential buyers. There’s no guarantee, of course, but it may even help you get your asking price, or more, when your home eventually sells.

On the other side of the spectrum, you want everything to be sparkly clean when you move IN to a new home or apartment. This is especially important if you’re unsure whether or not the previous homeowners or tenants cleaned everything appropriately before their departure. Or, you’re moving into a newly constructed or remodeled home and there is residue left behind from the building process. Either way, move-in cleaning can leave you with a fresh, clean home to enjoy.


What’s included with move-in and move-out cleaning?

Do you know what a brand new home looks like? Everything is sparkly clean and dirt, grime, and streak-free. Depending on how well the space was previously cleaned, this may not always be able to be achieved. But, getting as close as possible to that mark is the goal of move-in and move-out cleaning.

This is our most detailed top-to-bottom cleaning service and includes things like:

  • A complete cleaning and disinfecting of bathrooms, including showers, tubs, toilets, sinks, mirrors, vanities, fixtures, and cabinets.
  • Thorough cleaning of kitchen tiles, countertops, cabinets, appliances, fixtures, and pantry.
  • A deep clean of other household rooms and living areas – bedrooms, foyers, living rooms, hallways, stairs, etc. Floors are thoroughly vacuumed or mopped, doors and light switches are washed, baseboards and trims are hand washed, and more.

Ultimately, move-in and move-out cleaning leaves you with a home or office that is sparkling clean and provides you with a place where you can make a fresh start.


Ready to say goodbye to moving stress?

Unfortunately, we can’t make moving completely stress free, but we can take cleaning off your mind and your to-do list. Whether you’re moving in or out of a home, office, apartment, or business, we’re ready to take on your move-in and move-out cleaning chores. Contact us today to reduce your moving hassles and say hello to some of the highest quality, professional cleaning experts in the Tucson area!



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