Do You Need to Clean Every Day?

by | Aug 19, 2021

There are many health benefits to having a clean home. But, does that mean you have to clean every day? After all, you have plenty of other things on your plate like school, work, and play.

The short answer is ‘no’. You don’t have to clean your home every day. But, there are some individual things that should be cleaned on a daily basis to keep germs and harmful bacteria from getting out of control. Save time cleaning by not doing the entire house, but do make sure you at least include the following items in your daily cleaning routine.


7 Items You Should Clean Every Day

1. Sponges – Sponges can be great cleaning tools, especially in the kitchen. They easily absorb liquid, making it simple to clean up spills and wipe off hard surfaces. They also absorb germs. And, when left uncleaned, they make the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Throw them in the wash or clean them with water and baking soda to get them clean every day.

2. Dirty dishes – After a long day, it’s tempting to leave dirty dishes piled up in the sink following your evening meal. While that may be convenient, it creates another environment where bacteria can easily grow. Instead, wash your dishes or put them in the dishwasher.

3. Kitchen countertops – These can easily become the dirtiest surfaces in your home. There may be food particles that are visible to the eye, but there are microscopic organisms hanging out there, too. With their tendency to foster bacteria growth, kitchen counters are something you should clean every day without fail. Simply use a kitchen-safe disinfectant and a sponge to wipe the germs away.

4. Bathroom countertops – Bathroom counters provide another safe haven for germs to accumulate. To make cleaning easier, keep a packet of disinfecting wipes handy so it’s convenient to clean the countertops every day. Then, periodically do a deeper clean of the entire bathroom with a disinfectant cleaner.

5. Remote controls – Although used every day, do you remember the last time you thoroughly cleaned your remote control? Probably not. But, it’s another common place for germs to grow. Fortunately, remote controls can be easily cleaned with rubbing alcohol and a cloth.

6. Keyboards – With many people working and doing virtual learning from home, computers are seeing more use than ever. Give your keyboard a daily clean with an alcohol wipe to keep the germs at bay.

7. Phones – We take our phones with us everywhere these days. That also means they have more opportunities than ever to pick up harmful germs. Use an alcohol wipe or other electronics-safe cleaner to sanitize and disinfect your phone.


Get Help From the Cleaning Experts

So, there’s your daily cleaning to-do list. Now, how about the weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning? Do you have the time and energy left over for that?

If not, Cinderella Cleaners is here to help! We’ve been cleaning homes and businesses in the Tucson area for more than a decade and we’d be happy to add YOU to our growing list of happy clients. We clean so YOU can sit back and relax, all while enjoying the benefits of a clean home. Simply contact us today for a FREE quote.

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