How Do You Know You Can Trust Your Cleaning Company?

by | Dec 30, 2020

You’ve made the decision to hire a professional cleaning company to handle your weekly cleaning … congratulations! You’ve made a move that can save you a significant amount of time, hassle, and energy. And, you’ll be freed up to do what YOU love best! But, now comes the important task of choosing the right cleaning company. After all, most cleaning will take place after hours (for businesses) or when you’re not around (for homes). Before you hand over the keys and let them in on their own, you’ll want to know for sure that you can trust your cleaning company. How exactly can you do that? We’re glad you asked!

5 important questions to ask your cleaning company

When you do your due diligence in finding the best cleaning company to meet your needs, you can approach it like a job interview. After all, they are going to be working for you and you want to know if they’ll be up to the job. Here are 5 important questions to ask to help you know if you can trust your cleaning company:

1. Do you perform background checks on your employees?

The last thing you want is a criminal in your home or office when no one else is around. A reputable cleaning company will make sure that their employees have clean, crime-free backgrounds.

2. How do you know your employees can legally work in the U.S.?

The federal government has created an online system called E-verify where employers can easily check to make sure a prospective employee is eligible to work in the United States. Ask your cleaning company if they use this service or have another way of verifying employee eligibility.

3. What kind of experience or training does your staff have?

You may not always have access to cleaners with years of experience under their belts, but they shouldbe adequately trained. In general, this includes things like training on acceptable cleaning techniques and procedures, security and privacy issues, and in today’s world, adherence to COVID-19 cleaning guidelines set forth by the CDC.

4. How do you communicate with non-English speaking staff?

It’s not uncommon for professional cleaning companies to hire individuals for whom English is not their first language, especially in or around cities. In order to fully trust your cleaning company and get the most out of their services, you’ll want to know how to best communicate with staff who may have difficulty speaking or understanding English.

5. What do other customers say about your cleaning services?

One of the best ways to learn about a prospective cleaning company is to ask for references or check out online reviews from the company’s prior or current clients. This will help you gain an overall picture of the company’s services, length of contracts, and customer satisfaction.


Can you trust your cleaning company?

If you’ve chosen Cinderella Cleaners of Tucson, YES! You absolutely CAN trust your cleaning company from day one. We perform background checks on all employees, including a thorough job history and employment eligibility verification through E-verify. Then, all of our staff goes through rigorous training so that we can provide you with sparkling results every single time we clean.


Contact us today to find out why we’re THE trusted cleaning experts in Tucson, AZ and surrounding areas. We’re thorough, professional, and proud to bring you the best cleaning services available!

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