How to Set Up a Virtual Learning Spot In Your Home

by | Jun 13, 2021

Virtual learning was once reserved for homeschooled children or students enrolled in an online academy or university. Thanks to the pandemic, however, it has become more of the norm for many children throughout the country.

While you may not have to teach your children at home, you do want to set them up for a positive virtual learning experience. That starts with creating an ideal space for them where they can focus on their school work with minimal interruptions and distractions.


Where should your virtual learning space be?

While virtual learning can take place virtually anywhere, that doesn’t mean that it should. With some careful consideration, however, you can find or create a spot that will be most conducive to learning. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Lighting – A bright, cheerful spot is more inviting than a dark corner space and is typically a more attractive learning environment. Your child may prefer natural light or they may be satisfied with a desk lamp or overhead fixture. Either way, make sure there is sufficient light to prevent eye strain.
  • Electrical Outlets – Virtual learning requires the use of a computer or tablet. Make sure there is at least one outlet in your virtual learning spot for plugging in lights or charging cords.
  • Location Inside the Home – Ideally, you’ll want to choose a space that is away from the hustle and bustle of everyday home life, especially if you have people coming and going throughout the day. A quiet, out-of-the-way area makes a great virtual learning space so your child can concentrate on the tasks at hand. Also, choose a room that is free of other distractions such as toys, the TV, or games.


How to set up the ultimate learning environment

Whether your child is doing virtual learning or simply working on the day’s homework, the setup of the actual space where they work is important. Here are some tips for making it an effective learning environment:

  1. Declutter and organize. Determine exactly what your child will need in their virtual learning space. Then, organize it in such a way that it can be used effectively. This also means decluttering the space so that any extraneous items are removed.
  2. Make it comfortable. Your child will learn best when they can sit comfortably while working. No, that doesn’t mean putting a recliner in their virtual learning space! What it does mean is that there should be a comfortable desk and chair that supports good posture AND provides ample work space.
  3. Utilize shelves and cabinets. Keeping the space neat and tidy will encourage better learning. One way to do this is to utilize cabinets or shelves for storing items that are not in use. This is also a great way to keep your house clean with kids being in it all day … clear surfaces and less clutter make it easier to vacuum, dust, or disinfect these areas and promote a healthy home.
  4. Establish a clean-up routine. When a day of virtual learning is done, it’s important for the work area to be cleaned up and re-organized. This makes household cleaning easier but also sets up the area to be effectively used the next time.


We can be your virtual learning partner.

As a professional cleaning company, we can help make your child’s virtual learning experience a success. How? By taking some of the household cleaning off your to-do list so you can assist your child with at-home learning as necessary.


There are so many benefits to a clean home, including less stress and more energy for you! If you’re interested in any of our professional cleaning services, simply contact us today for a free quote and you’ll take one step closer to a sparkling clean home!

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